What to expect on a Sunday

We have guests joining with us each week so if you come and visit you won’t be the only one. You can come as you are, there’s no dress code, or even “belief code” for coming along to one of our services. Everyone is welcome to join us. We meet at 11am on Sunday morning and there is a Sunday School for children under 11 and a creche for babies and pre-schoolers. We meet again on Sunday evenings at 6pm for a more informal service with corporate prayer, time for testimonies and questions.

Like every Christian church our services are made up of singing, praying, reading the Bible and listening to the Bible being preached. Afterwards there are refreshments and once a month we have lunch together.

We don’t pass a plate around or take up an offering as part of our service, because we know this can make guests feel uncomfortable. However we do believe that giving is an important part of the Christian life and encourage our church members to give regularly to support the ministry of the church. If you would like to make a donation you can do that by clicking below, or by using the Stewardship link in the menu above.

2024 Autumn Term Card

Click below for a copy of our Autumn Term Card with details of the services and other events happening this next term

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