Serving Christ in Kilburn and Queen’s Park
West Kilburn Baptist Church has been in the heart of the Kilburn and Queen’s Park community for over 150 years. With a vibrant congregation made up of people from all nations, ages and backgrounds we invite you to join us.
This term our church is merging with Redeemer Queen’s Park, another local church which believes the same good news message of Jesus Christ. The two churches are coming together to continue the work of the gospel that’s been going on here for generations.
Our main gathering is on Sunday mornings at 11am and then we have an informal meeting on Sunday evenings at 6pm (please see the term card below). Visitors are always welcome! You can find out more about what to expect on a Sunday by clicking here, and more about activities midweek by clicking here.
Our church is a part of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches and you can find out more about what we believe on their website by clicking here.