
Community Groups

Whilst the church merger is going on we’re running community groups with a focus on getting to know each other.

If you’d like to join a group click the button below and fill in the form and we’ll be in touch with you.

Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting

As a church we are absolutely convinced of the importance of praying together. That means our Wednesday evening prayer meeting is one of the most important meetings in the week. We start at 7.30pm in the church hall and meet for about an hour. Everyone is welcome to come along, whatever age, stage or however long you’ve been in the church. If you’re unable to make the prayer meeting in person we also run a Zoom prayer meeting at 6.30pm, for members who can’t get out, please get in touch for information on how to join that meeting if you’d like to.


Time4Tots is our midweek toddler and carer group. It runs on Friday mornings in term time from 9.30am until 11:15am. There is no charge for the group and it’s a great place to meet other carer and parents while little ones play in a safe and friendly space.

Youth Groups

Jen Stewart is our church youth worker and is responsible for organising these fun groups for our young people. All the groups are free of charge and visitors are always welcome! Feel free just to turn up or to contact Jen on 07740 595910